Speed Run Contest

Speed Run Contest

The 2nd Official USAJPA Speed Run Puzzle Contest is open!

What is the goal of the speed run?

The goal is to complete the puzzle as fast as you can. There is no limit to how many times you can submit your completion times, keep aiming to beat your own time and others.

About the puzzle

The Cobble Hill Creation’s puzzle was designed with USAJPA in mind. Look closely to find a few custom images! Find more info about the puzzle here.

Official Rules

  • Enter as an individual and/or a team of 2, 3 or 4.

  • The puzzle assembly should be recorded and uploaded as a time-lapse video

    • For multiple attempts, demonstrate that pieces have been completely disassembled and shaken in the box for 5 seconds to ensure ‘like new’ puzzling conditions.

  • Enter as many times as you like! Contest will continue until 11:59 on Saturday, March 29, 2025.

  • Prizes will be awarded to the top finishers from each category.

Submit your entries via this form: Speed Run Time Submission Form

Leaderboard results here:

  • Official (Updated weekly after verification)

  • Unofficial (Updated immediately upon entry but may contain errors)

The 1st Speed Run Puzzle Contest results can be found here.